GOSTD R2000 – Horticultural Rose Bed Loam

Horticultural Rose Bed Loam

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GOSTD Loams are used by some of the worlds finest horticultural and sporting establishments, and the same wealth of knowledge and expertise in the refinement, mixing and blending of various natural organic materials goes into producing our specialist Rose Bed Loam – GOSTD R2000.

Our Rose Bed Loam is purpose made to provide a fertile and healthy medium for the formation of outstanding rose beds. Such as those found at Windsor Castle and other national heritage sites around the UK.

When using in containers and pots, add additional grit for drainage and feed when necessary with fertiliser of choice.

The core product used to produce GOSTD R2000 is GOSTD Organically Enriched Loam which is a combination of finely screened medium clay based loam, blended with rich shredded and composted organic matter, to provide all the natural plant nutrients required. Only natural materials are used and there are no chemical additives, or peat in the product, which has a ph of approximately 7.5.

Why “medium clay” based Loam? Because medium clay based loams and soils produce the most fertile growing media especially when enriched with natural organic compost.

Why “organic” compost? Because natural organic compost is a recycled material, enhancing, not depleting our environment. It provides additional plant nutrients and improves soil structure invigorating plant growth and health.